Where is the school located?
Risen Savior Lutheran Church
3031 W 144th Ave
Broomfield, CO 80023
What grades are offered?
In 2020, we began offering K-6 and will add one grade each year. By 2026, we will offer the entire trivium K-12.
Does Summit Classical Academy adhere to a 5-day school week?
Yes, for more details about specific dates, please see our school calendar.
What are class sizes?
Ideally, classes will be between 10-20 students but will vary depending on enrollment. In 2021, we are opening with three classes:
- K-1 (5-10 students)
- 2-3 (10 - 15 students)
- 4-6 (5-10 students)
Are students required to wear uniforms?
Yes, students of the full-time school and Summit Homeschool Community will be required to wear uniforms. We see many benefits of requiring uniforms for our students, including:
- Promote a sense of community
- Nourish a sense of equality
- Encourage learning
- Simplify getting ready for school
Are my children going to learn Latin?
Yes, Latin will begin being taught in 3rd grade and will continue through 12th grade. Other languages will be taught as well in the upper grade levels. The benefits of learning latin are numerous:
- Fundamental language (50% of English words and 80-90% of romance languages are Latin based)
- Latin grammar is much more strict, making it easier to learn the rules, in turn helping to learn grammar fundamentals for English and other languages
- The structure of sentences is logical and promotes the Logic phase of the trivium
Are there any resources for homeschool families?
Yes, Summit Homeschool Community has been formed to reach even more families. Starting in the 2020-2021 school year, we began offering homeschool families the ability to sign up for art, music, and physical education. We will structure our schedule so that these classes occur before and after recess, so students from Summit Homeschool Community will have ample opportunity to build community with the full-time Summit Classical Academy kids.
All students will be required to wear uniforms during all school activities. promotes the Logic phase of the trivium
Are you going to advertise?
Yes! However, YOU are the best advertisement we have. So if you are excited about what we are doing, please tell everyone you know, post on social media, and help spread the word.
Additionally, we have brochures, videos, shirts, and stickers that we can distribute to the community.
Are you going to fundraise?
Yes! We are completely self-funded, so we are going to rely heavily on bringing in donations from as many sources as we can. Tithes, recurring donations, one-time donations, and fundraising events are all going to be a part of our income strategy. Every little bit helps, and we encourage everybody to give.
Additionally, we will have a grant writing team to help attract and retain as many grants as possible. We are always looking for volunteers, so please let us know if you’d be interested.
What is Summit’s plan for distance learning?
In the event that we are unable to continue meeting in person, Summit has created a template for e-learning that has proven effective in not only keeping students on track with their current grade level, but also alleviates much of the stress we are hearing from parents at other schools.
- Students will have virtual classes learning directly with their teachers on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from approximately 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
- Parents will be provided with lesson plans on Friday for the following Tuesday, Thursday. This gives parents freedom to work at their pace on their schedule.
- Every Friday afternoon, parents and students will be invited to come together as a community to participate in Love of Learning. In this session students get to share a brief presentation on something they learned over the last week. Kids love it, parents love it, and it is just an all-around good time!
To see examples of how we managed social distancing during the COVID pandemic, view our virtual classroom or Love of Learning.
A final thought on quarantine. We recognize that regardless of this plan, keeping children cooped up at home has its own inherent stresses. Summit will continue to provide guidance, fun activities, and virtual community events to ensure we are continually coming alongside each other to embrace the sense of community and love for God that is the backbone of Summit Classical Academy.