School choice 2025

Lucy Anderson, SCA high school student, shares her about her experience and thoughts on School of Choice 2025

“Here was the path to wherever he was going.” — Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451. / / To
me, this quote perfectly illustrates what my education has been ever since I was little. The years
which I have spent in general education – eleven total — have been laying the foundations which
I will build upon for the rest of my life. I feel that my education as a homeschooled and now
privately educated student have equipped me in ways I didn’t even know were necessary.
Through my former homeschool co-op, the Summit Academy, I have had the amazing
opportunity to learn American Sign Language, and I now have the ability to pursue my
interpreting license post-high school. It is thanks to the flexibility of a homeschooled education
that I have had the opportunity to travel to places like Vancouver, Canada, San Jose, Manila, and
Pantabangan, Philippines, as well as Seoul, Korea during the school year.
Additionally, Classical Christian education has opened up doors for me that I would not
have had if enrolled in a Public school. The biggest of these, to me personally, is the ability I
have had to speak freely in class about my beliefs. I’m a Christian, I have been since I was
young, and it is because of this that I so value what school choice allows for us to do. My faith
has deepened this year more than it ever would have if I was enrolled in a publicly funded
school. Being taught the ways in which others believe in a non-hostile environment is a unique
experience that I wholeheartedly wish each student could have.
Through my education as a homeschooler and now Classically educated student, I have
had the opportunity to teach the fourth grade class at my school an ASL interpretation to the
hymn, My Jesus, I love Thee. It is through this school that I have been able to take dual
enrollment classes at Colorado Christian University, where at the end of the year I will be

awarded twelve credits towards my Associates degree of Liberal Arts. My school places a high
importance on keeping us safe both physically and mentally. They encourage all students to
participate in physical education – or, rather, strength and conditioning. They maintain a healthy
competitiveness and school spirit, and they keep us safe online. My teachers truly care about the
education which we are receiving, something I thank God for everyday.
School choice is important to me because without it, I feel as though I would not know
neither what path I was taking, nor where I’m going. The ability my parents have had to choose
how I’m educated have equipped me in ways that I sincerely believe I would not have been if I
was educated publicly.
It is my sincere hope and prayer that our freedoms in this state would continue to be
sustained, and that school choice would eventually open up even more than it currently has.
Private and homeschool education aren’t lesser alternatives, they’re greater opportunities. School
choice allows parents to watch their students flourish and say, “Here is the path to wherever they
are going.”
Thank you.

Reagan Booton, SCA high school student, shares about her time speaking for School of Choice.

  “Hello, my name is Reagan Booton and I am a ninth grader at Summit Classical Academy. Education wise I’ve done a variety of things; I’ve gone to public school, I’ve homeschooled, and I now attend a private religious school. Education is foundational, not only to what we do and where we go after college, but to who we are as a person. It doesn’t just teach us what to think, but how to think. That is a very powerful tool and that is why it is crucial that parents and individuals have a say in how we are educated, because everybody learns differently. I am grateful to the state of Colorado for allowing us to have choice in education, and I hope that it continues to be made available to everyone, everywhere.” 

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