Forging fierce warriors
We aim to produce students who learn continually, listen intently, articulate precisely, love rightly, contend gracefully, and live purposefully for the glory of God and the good of others.
We will build community and serve our community by partnering with parents in the education of their children, striving to develop all aspects of the student’s potential. We will provide a classical Christian education, a peaceful and inspiring environment, and a high standard of expectations for our students, teachers, and leaders, all for the glory of God.
Defined by Christ
God made us on purpose and for a purpose. Our identity is defined by who God says we are, and living within His perfect design creates the best life possible for ourselves, our families, and our communities.
Trained in Virtue
We teach with the aim of helping students to reach their personal summits, to become the men and women that God designed them to be in all aspects of life, and to love the right things in the proper order.
Strengthened through Community
Our families form a part of Christ's Kingdom, working together as the body of Christ to support and edify each other spiritually, educationally, and relationally.
Core values
What we will do every day:
Speak truth, so that students know that they are gifts from God, image bearers of God, and warriors for God
What we want for our students:
- To love the right things in the proper order
- To think critically and deeply
- To articulate their thoughts precisely
- To struggle with ideas
- To be challenged every day
- To treat others’ thoughts and ideas with kindness and respect
- To create or build something with their hands
- To love and serve others by contributing their unique thoughts and personalities
What we want for our families:
- To know that parents are their children’s primary educators
- To know that the school is partnering with them in their children’s education
- To know that BOTH men and women are equally critical in their children’s education
- To be welcome into our doors every day
- To have abundant opportunities to be seen, to participate, and to be part of the school community
- To understand that the school is best when everyone’s God-given talents are utilized
- To continually find opportunities to serve our surrounding communities